The purpose of this platform is to offer a competitive marketplace that allows both parties to negotiate their price by bidding on services.
January 2021
My Role
I assumed the following roles:
• User Experience (UX) Designer
• Visual Designer


Interaction Design:
• High-fidelity interactive prototypes

UX/UI Design:
• Heuristic evaluations
• User surveys
• 1-on-1 interviews
• Personas
• User journeys and task flows
• Low-fidelity wireframes
• High-fidelity mockups
• Static prototypes
• Design system
• Usability tests and reviews

Changing the Landscape of Drug Development

In a world where drug development meant navigating complex, disconnected processes, Bio Bid emerged as an innovative online platform. Its mission: to revolutionize how pharmaceutical companies create life-saving drugs. Bio Bid served as a bridge, connecting Biotech/Pharmaceutical Sponsors with Contract Research Organizations (CROs) within a dynamic and competitive marketplace.

The journey began with questions aplenty. How would success be measured, with key performance indicators (KPIs) and objectives (OKPs) as our guide? What about the organizational culture and decision-making process? What did our teams expect from this ambitious venture? Who would steer brand decisions? And most crucially, what were we building, and why?

The answer emerged elegantly – a comprehensive redesign of the sponsor-side dashboard, fortified with robust search and filtering capabilities. The dashboard, our epicenter, awaited sponsors upon login, offering instant access to vital information. Our objectives were clear: design intuitive search and filtering mechanisms, create an engaging marketing/landing page, and deploy the redesigned dashboard.

The research journey began with an exploration of dashboard design across industries, with a focus on healthcare. Heuristic evaluations illuminated our path.

Additional solutions surfaced as we delved deeper. User interviews and surveys provided valuable insights, but Heuristic Evaluations of the existing platform brought nuanced improvements. We reduced cognitive load, enhancing the user interface.Meeting sponsors, albeit with challenges in this niche industry, revealed insights. Users from the medical field, while not a perfect match, provided invaluable feedback on site design.Key insight? Align with users accustomed to a specific technical format.


The Research

The research journey began with an exploration of dashboard design across industries, with a focus on healthcare. Heuristic evaluations illuminated our path.

While user interviews and surveys provided valuable quantifiable data, we chose to conduct Heuristic Evaluations on the existing site. This approach allowed us to gather additional insights that informed our design decision-making process. Our primary objective was to enhance the user experience by reducing the cognitive load on sponsors, specifically, minimizing the mental effort required when engaging with our UI design."

Meeting sponsors, albeit with challenges in this niche industry, revealed insights. Users from the medical field, while not a perfect match, provided invaluable feedback on site design.

Key insight? Align with users accustomed to a specific technical format.

Personas, Ashley Turner and Dr. Craig Venter, represented our diverse user base. Low-fi wireframe iterations spurred innovation, exploring ideas without fixation on details. Ultimately, we streamlined the original table, aligning elements and creating a practical, borderless user experience.

A style guide reinforced our brand's narrative, creating a consistent, trustworthy identity and became the blooding block for a robust design system. Science Blue emerged as the preferred hue, reflecting healthcare's reliability.


Is it A or B?

Something interesting occurred while doing market search on the healthcare industry in general. We found that 80% of the healthcare industry uses the color blue in their logos and/or designs. Largely because blue conveys a message of calmness and reliability. But what hue? What tone? All interesting questions so we put it to a test.

The results were clear

Finally it came down to a two horse race, and after several rounds of testing the results were in! 60% of users preferred Science Blue (B) over Curious Blue (A).

“It seems like it is a medical app and the dark blue makes the app look more serious...” --One user responded


Before & After Landing page

Before & After Dashboard


Lessons Learned

In the midst of the pandemic, we uncovered unforeseen focus and determination. Amid global turmoil, we found silver linings. These challenging times unveiled newfound levels of concentration and dedication, propelling our project forward.Bio Bid stands poised to transform drug development, all thanks to our relentless pursuit of user-centered design and innovation.

This case study is a testament to the power of user experience in driving progress and innovation.

This case study illustrates the transformation of Bio Bid, an online platform that connects Biotech/Pharmaceutical Sponsors with Contract Research Organizations (CROs). It highlights the importance of user-centered design, problem-solving, and adapting to the unique challenges posed by niche markets. The use of personas, research methodologies, and design principles ultimately leads to a more streamlined and effective platform, revolutionizing drug development.

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